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"One doesn't have to be wealthy to give, only willing. The Lord will provide."
Linda Simmons-Founder

Monetary Donations

You can give a one time donation, or a monthly donation.

Of course, any donation is welcome, no matter the amount.


What does your donation give?


1 Domestic Violence Women's Kit

Full size shampoo, conditioner, body wash & lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, bath puff, comb, deodorant, heart and message.


1 Refugee Child's Kit

Underwear, socks, outfit, hand towel, washcloth, soap, 3 in one, stuffed animal, toothbrush & toothpaste, puppet, car, small doll, small ball, heart & message.


1 Newborn Kit

Quilt receiving blanket, burps, big, baby afghan, stuffed animals, books toy, cloth ball, jingle boxes, hat & booties, item of clothing, baby hygiene: shampoo, wash, lotion, towel, washcloth, baby wipes, diapers, baby bottle, pacifier, hair clips & bows for girls, heart and message.


1 Domestic Violence Children's Kit

Quilt, Stuffed animals, books, toy, ball, hat or slippers, socks  underwear, item of clothing, activity book, hygiene: 3 in one, towel, washcloth, toothbrush & toothpaste, small comb, Misc item, puzzle, school bag w/ ruler, pencils, erasers, notebook, crayons scissors, pencil sharpener, heart and message.

Corporate Dontions

More Ways to Help

Do you use Amazon? Amazon has a great program called Amazon Smile which donates to charities. All you have to do is save the Amazon Smile link for Hearts Knit Together and any time you make a purchase on Amazon, we get a small donation at no extra cost to you! Click below to learn more about how it works.


© 2023 Hearts Knit Together

  • Hearts Facebook Page
Project Room Location:
154  1800 W 
Lindon, Utah
The hours at our project room are: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11am-3pm
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