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About Our Kits

About Our Kits
Every kit is lovingly put together with great thought towards making it as beautiful as possible. Many of the items in the kit are hand-made with love. The women's kits are beautifully color coordinated. Each child's kit follows a color theme inspired by a book, action figure, or doll and is age and gender appropriate. 100% of our kits are made from donated items and all are created by our marvelous volunteers. Our goal is to let these families in crisis know that they are loved by us in the community and by their Heavenly Father. And to inspire them to have hope for the future.

Each kit contains a card with a message of hope and love. Every child's kit contains a lovely felt heart. Imagine the trauma the children are feeling being taken away from everything that is familiar to them; their home, friends, school, all their belongings and going to a strange place. Finding these bags of love on their bed as they enter the shelter is a huge comfort. We often hear that the children repeat over and over, "Is this really mine?" 

We give 4 basic types of kits: Domestic Violence Shelter Kits, Sexual Assault Kits, Refugee Kits, and Police Kits. 

What Kits Do We Provide?

Domestic Violence Shelter Kits

Women's Kit

  • New bath towel, hand towel, wash cloth and bath puff
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Full size shampoo with matching conditioner
  • Full size body wash, lotion, and soap
  • Deodorant, razor, comb and any other cosmetic items we receive
  • Hat and Scarf
  • Journal

What else?

We also give a special message and a felt heart with each kit so that these cherished men, women, and children can know that someone out there loves them... and that God loves them too. A similar message is given in our Sexual Assault, Police, and Refugee kits.

Children's Kit

  • New full size towel and wash cloth

  • 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 for boys or full size shampoo, conditioner for girls

  • Lotion, body wash, deodorant and soap

  • Toothpaste and toothbrush

  • Hair accessories and jewelry for girls

  • New activity books and coloring books

  • New or very gently used children's books for all ages

  • New or very gently used stuffed animals, Build a Bears, Dolls etc.

  • Book bag containing crayons, markers, pens, pencils, erasers, scissors, glue, notebooks, etc.

  • Toys, games, Yo Yo's, frisbees and balls

  • Journals for boys and girls 9 years and up

  • New quilt (Crib size 45x60) or

  • Fleece Blanket (1 1/4 yards fleece for toddlers, 1 1/2 yards for older children

  • Handmade or store-bought Hat

  • Baby kits also include receiving blankets, afghans, bottles, sippie cups, burp cloths, diapers, bibs, jingle boxes, rattles, baby head-to-toe wash, and lotion  

Sexual Assault Kits

What are they?

When a victim of sexual assault is brought to the hospital, often their clothes and anything else they had with them will be taken for evidence in hopes of finding DNA of the attacker. These kits help victims of sexual assault by giving them clothing, self care items, and a reminder that there is still some good in the world.

What's in them?

  • T-shirt/sweatshirt
  • Sweatpants
  • Underwear
  • Sports Bra (for women)
  • Flip Flops
  • Socks
  • Blanket
  • Hotel Sized Hygiene Supplies
  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Brush/comb
  • Chapstick
  • Panty Liners (for women)
  • Snack
  • Adult Coloring Book
  • Colored Pencils
  • Message & Heart

Police Kits

What are they?

Police kits are available to police departments throughout the state of Utah and are given to children in any number of traumatic situations. These items provide great comfort and distraction for children. 

Also available for police departments:

"Go Bags" or "Flight Bags" - Large, over the shoulder bag for victims who need to pack quickly to flee a domestic violence situation. 
Blankets- Packaged to keep them clean in the back of a troopers vehicle. Used for a variety of traumatic situations.  

Journals- Victim Advocates can give these to victims so they can document important information and process feelings after domestic violence and sexual assault. 



What's in them?

Kits are tailored to different ages, but these basic items are included in each.
  • Blanket
  • Toy
  • Stuffed animal
  • Jingle Boxes
  • Book
  • Bracelet & necklace (for girls)
  • Crayons 
  • Colored Pencils
  • Activity/Coloring book
  • Sippy Cup (for young children)

Refugee Kits

What are they?

These kits are given to organizations that help refugees fleeing from war, opression, and violence. We want these refugees to know that they have a place in our communities and feel some hope and love for their new life.  Kits are given to all ages, from children to adults. 

What's in them?

Kits are tailored to different ages, but these basic items are included in each.
  • Full size shampoo & conditioner
  • Lotion
  • Ball
  • Bib
  • Cloth diapers, disposable diapers, pull up, or underwear
  • Hand towel
  • Soap
  • Clothing
  • Stuffed animal
  • Toy Car
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Wash cloth
  • Jingle Boxes
  • Comb/hair accessories
  • Books
  • Marbles
  • Spiral Notebook
  • Pen
  • Journal
  • Heart & message

© 2023 Hearts Knit Together

  • Hearts Facebook Page
Project Room Location:
154  1800 W 
Lindon, Utah
The hours at our project room are: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11am-3pm
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