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Our kits for children ages 2-4 cost around $112 for all of the supplies. This means that, with your donation, you will be supplying an entire kit for a young child. Often, families arrive at the shelters with nothing. This kit helps them feel loved and gives them belongings to start their new life away from violence and abuse. 


This kit includes:

- Quilt

- Stuffed animals

- Books

- Toy

- Ball, bean bag, or sports ball

- Hat, scarf, gloves

- Socks & underwear

- Clothes

- Coloring book

- Crayons

- Full size 3 in 1 wash

- Small size shampoo

- Small size conditioner

- Small size lotion

- Towel

- Washcloth

- Toothbrush & Toothpaste

- Small Comb

- Misc. perfume, jewelry or purse for girls

- Hair clips & bows for girls 

- Heart & Message 


100% of donations go to creating our kits for those in need. No one at Hearts Knit Together is paid for their service! Each donation is also tax deductible! 


Thank you for your support. Without you, none of this would be possible!

Toddler Shelter Kit

Price Options
One-time purchase
Monthly Toddler Kit
Donate 1 entire kit each month!
$112.00every month until canceled

    © 2023 Hearts Knit Together

    • Hearts Facebook Page
    Project Room Location:
    154  1800 W 
    Lindon, Utah
    The hours at our project room are: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11am-3pm
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